The journal “Neurologijos seminarai” (Seminars in Neurology) is peer-reviewed scientific specialized medical journal which presents original research papers and review articles on the latest advances in etiopathogenesis, clinics, diagnostics, management and prevention of neurological, neurosurgical and adjacent disorders.
It publicizes, as well, articles on medical history and art, case reports on rare or diagnostically complicated clinical events, materials of scientific conferences, other important scientific information.
Articles already presented or submitted for publication in other scientific publications are not accepted to the journal except if they had been submitted as abstracts. The translations into Lithuanian of valuable scientific articles from other publications may be presented in the journal or its supplements after receiving the signed consent of editors.
Articles are presented in English including summary in Lithuanian, or in Lithuanian including summary in English. Summary (Lithuanian or English) of scientific articles should be 200-300 words.For authors of articles in English who do not speak Lithuanian – summary in Lithuanian could be prepared by editorial board.
All the scientific articles submitted for publication are being reviewed by Editorial board and experts of particular field of medicine.
Scientific articles are published in the journal complimentary.
The volume of manuscript (including syllabus-text, charts, pictures, images) usually should not exceed 30 typed pages, and the list of references 50 quoted sources.
It is necessary to indicate personal address, e-mail and phone number of the author whom Editorial board might contact with, as well, first and last names, degrees, institutions and offices of all authors.
The structure of the article: title, names of the authors (initials of first name should precede last name); institution (-s), where the research/work has been performed; summary in Lithuanian and English; syllabus-text; references.
Original research paper’s text and summary consists of: 1) preface, 2) objective, 3) methods, 4) results, 5) discussion; 6) conclusions.
The structure of review article is chosen by the author. It is necessary to indicate that the article is considered to be a review.
The text of case report includes: 1) preface, 2) description of the case (-s), 3) discussion.
Letters to the Editor usually comment on articles published recently in Neurologijos Seminarai, but may occasionally present original research or case reports. The goal of this section is to encourage, rapid concise debate among authors and readers. Specifications: there should be no summary; text should be continuous, with paragraphs but no subsections or subtitles. Maximum of: 5 authors; 500 words; 1 figure or 1 table; 5 references (reference 1 must be the article on which you are commenting). Any acknowledgments should be included in the body of the letter.
All the abbreviations used in the text should be explained. All the charts are submitted on separate pages, numerated according their sequence in the text, include their titles. Illustrations should be compact, suitable for printed reproduction. TIFF or JPG format for figure files (distinction of at least 200 dpi) is preferred. Each illustration or image should have its title. The places of the text where the charts (pictures, diagrams, images) are to be inserted should be marked by the author.
List of references includes only the sources of literature quoted in the text according to sequence of citation. It should be printed on a separate page in original language. The citation number of reference in the text is indicated in square brackets.
Brodie MI, Porter RI. New and potential anticonvulsants. Lancet 1990; 336: 425-6.
Corbo M, Nemmi R, Iannaccone S, et al. Peripheral neuropathy in scleroderma. Clin Neuropathol 1993; 12: 63-7.
Biller I. Non-atherosclerotic vasculopathies. In: Biller I, ed. Stroke in children and young adults. Boston: Butterworth-Heineman, 1994; 57-81.
Klumbys L. Ūminės galvos smegenų traumos neurofiziologija. V., 1979.
Pryse-Phillips W. Companion to clinical neurology. Boston: Little, Brown, 1995.
General rules for preparing papers according to ‘Vancouver Style’ – Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals – could be found at
The manuscripts are submitted to the Editor-in-chief Ruta Mameniškienė, or Executive editor Dalius Jatužis, Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos, Santariškių 2, LT-08661 Vilnius, Lithuania; phone/fax: +370 5 2365 220, e-mail:;